MSc in Energy Systems Science

Overview of the programme

On May 26, 2023, the Senate of Obafemi Awolowo University approved the Energy Systems Science postgraduate programme, establishing a groundbreaking platform for developing expertise in the construction, financing, and management of energy and energy-related projects. These programmes are offered across five academic levels:

  • Postgraduate Diploma (PGD)
  • Master of Technology (M.Tech.) (Professional/Taught Masters)
  • Master of Science (M.Sc.) (Research Masters)
  • Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

These programmes address the critical variability issues in energy systems and integrate knowledge from science and engineering, economics, finance, and politics. This multidisciplinary approach positions graduates to play a pivotal role in advancing Nigeria’s and West Africa’s energy transition plans, ultimately contributing to the global net-zero emissions goal. Hosted and coordinated by the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering in collaboration with the Centre for Energy Research and Development, the programme serves as a hub for building both front- and back-end capacity for energy systems in the region.

International Collaboration and Innovative Curriculum

Two courses - Mini-Grids: Planning and Design and Local Solutions for Energy Access - are adapted from the prestigious Transforming Energy Access – Learning Partnership (TEA-LP) project. This initiative is a collaboration with the University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa, ensuring that the curriculum reflects international best practices while addressing local energy challenges.

These cutting-edge courses are offered at the M.Tech. and M.Sc. levels, equipping students with the knowledge and skills needed to design and implement sustainable energy solutions for underserved communities.

Degree Details

The Master of Science (M.Sc.) programme provides a comprehensive education in energy systems, incorporating technical, economic, and policy aspects. It includes core and elective courses with detailed credit structures. The programme offers Master of Science (M.Sc.) Degree in Energy Systems Science and Engineering with options in the following

Energy Systems Science

Master of Science (M.Sc.) Degree in Energy Systems Science

Open for 2024/2025 session

Admission Requirements

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  • A graduate of Obafemi Awolowo University with a minimum of B.Sc. Second Class (Lower Division) Honours degree in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) may be considered for admission.
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  • A graduate of any other approved university with a minimum of B.Sc. Second Class (Lower Division) Honours degree in STEM may be considered for admission.
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  • A candidate with 3rd Class Honours degree in STEM who have obtained relevant postgraduate diploma with a weighted average score of 60B may be considered for admission having met with all relevant extant rules stipulated in the Postgraduate College regulations.
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  • Candidates to be admitted must have five (5) credit passes in English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Further Mathematics.
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  • Further assessments of the candidate will be as stipulated in the Regulations governing Postgraduate studies.

The M.Sc. programme shall run full time and run for four (4) semestersaccording to the Regulation governing the Postgraduate studies. In special circumstances the duration of the programme may be extended for additional two (2) semesters subject to the approval of the Board of the Postgraduate College. Courses delivery will be by face-to-face teaching, such as classroom or laboratory sessions. Other approaches will include digitization of learning elements into narrated presentations, videos, and forums. This is with the aim to improve access to instructional materials for individuals.

Requirement for the Award of Degree

The following are what is expected of each students for them to be awarded the degree in Energy System Science and Energy System Engineering

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  • Minimum grade required for graduation by candidates is 50% (C) in any written examination and a weighted average of not less than 50% (C) in any semester of coursework.
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  • A minimum of 31 units is required to include 22 units of core courses, 1 unit of seminar, 4 units of electives (2 units to be taken in Harmattan and 2 units to be taken in Rain semester) and 4 units of long essay.
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  • The Master of Technology degree programme shall be by coursework, seminar and long essay
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  • Every candidate shall obtain a grade that is not less than 50% (C) in any written examination and a weighted average that is not less than 50% (C) in any semester of coursework.
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  • No postgraduate student shall fail (i.e. score less than 50% C) in more than two courses in one or two consecutive semesters.
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  • If a student fails one or two courses in one or two consecutive semesters, the student shall repeat those courses.
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  • If a student fails any one of the repeated courses, the student shall be asked to withdraw.
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  • If a student fails more than two courses in one or two consecutive semesters, the student shall be asked to withdraw.
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  • Where a candidate has been absent with good cause approved by Senate, the candidate shall be allowed to take the examination at the next available opportunity without penalty.